EVENT: Guided Meditation & Sound Healing

Guided Meditation / Sound Healing Buffalo

In this experience, Josh and Savannah facilitate the practice of meditation including the harmonizing intonations of sound healing.

Meditation has nearly infinite applications, from reaching transcendental states of consciousness, discovering your true self, calming anxiety, creating a deeper connection to life, stress-relief, lifting depression, reconditioning old mental/emotional patterns, and many more.

We'd like to hear more about your intention for your meditation gathering so that we can begin to craft the perfect experience for you. Each meditation begins with a breathing practice suitable for the intention (For Example: If we are calming anxiety, we will practice a high energy breath to move energy followed by a relaxing breath to guide us into meditation.)

Please email hello@thisislifeitself.com with the subject "Guided Meditation & Sound Healing" and tell us more about the intention for your event. After learning more, we will direct you to our on-site scheduler to finish the booking process.