Our Dharma
Dharma in life and in business.
What is Dharma? Essentially, it is the path that we are called to walk, duties we are called to fulfill, and way we are meant to be, as it is in accordance with the higher will of the universal law (God; whatever name feels right based on your experience).
Our Dharma is simple.
Sharing, Loving, Appreciating, and Helping Others Enjoy Life to the Truest Capacity.
We SHARE the gifts from our Mother Earth so that others may attain physical healing, mental purification, and spiritual connection.
We LOVE each and every living being on this earth. Life Itself allows us to connect with more and more beings and experiences, in which we are able to love more and more.
We APPRECIATE all beings, feelings, thoughts, expressions, as the brushstroke of the divine. You are the most important part of our business as you give us an opportunity to exercise our appreciation!
We HELP OTHERS ENJOY LIFE TO THE TRUEST CAPACITY. Through physical purification, we are allowed to focus on the more subtle aspects of the mind. Through mental purification, we are able to reside in the higher planes of spiritual consciousness. In this space, life is an absolute ecstasy. We want that for you! This is what we are all about!